jueves, 25 de junio de 2009

My ideal job

I would like to job for an international organization, as the ONU.I think it would be so interesting and exciting to work in other country representing mine. Meeting new people, helping differents kind of cultures and society,working to solve global problems..,all that I want to do at future.To work in the ONU, it is necessary to be diplomatic, to be conscious and sensitive about social problems,and to have leadership qualities. Another skills are related to the intellectual area, as speaking in other languagues and knowing about economics, history, science, manegment, politics and public administration. I'm not sure that if I would be good at this job, becouse I know, I don't have all the necessary skills. But it's something that I really want, and when I commit myself to do something, I always succeed. To work in the ONU it's so difficult, and not everyone can do it. There are differents areas where you can develop yourself as a professional, and the most important request it's to have a high prefessional level.

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