jueves, 30 de abril de 2009

My last vacation

Last summer I didn't travel anywhere, because we (my parents and me) were preparing my transfer to Santiago. So we stayed in La Serena. But in summer 2006, my parents, my boyfriend and me, traveled to the south of Chile, specifically to a park named Conguillio.Congullio is ubicated in the IX region of the Araucanía, and is a natural park where you can stay in a cottage, camping, trekking, swimming in the river or simple enjoy the view. We stayed about 3 days in the park,and went trekking, swimming, fishing and even sail. I will always rememeber the trekking, it was really exhausting!. We just started to walking up the hill, because the forest ranger spoke about a geyser that you could see when you were at the top. But there were 10 kilometres to there! We walked all morning and never saw the top! well... "I" never saw the top, because in the middle of the ride, i sit to have a rest, and I never tried to walk again. Anywhay, my parents and my boyfriend arrived at the peak of the hill, but they never saw the geysers. So ironic! About the weather.., it was so hot! We are not used to the hot weather, so it was so disgusting

jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

my best friend

Believe it or not, my best friend is my boyfriend, Felipe. I met him at school,in 2005. We were classmates at the Geronimo Rendic school, in La Serena. I met him when i was doing a religion job, and the teacher included him at my group. He liked me inmediatly.I remember that we were doing a expocition about "what we want to be at future", and he makes me laugh a lot with his answers. Since there, we started to be friends, and one year later, we started to dating.We're still together.

I have a lot of good memories about him, but i guess my dearest memory it's our first kiss. I will never forget it.

I love everything about him, specially his feelings. I know that he is a really good person, honest, loyal, responsible, persevering, sensitive. A person who will help you if you need.

I only hate one thing about him: he is a little negative. when something bad happens, he always get angry or sad, and doesn't try to solve his problems. Anyway i always help him to do it.

Like we do everything together, we traveled with my parents to the south (Chile). I think it was our great adventure. We visited a lot of beautifull places and spend time walking arround the nature landscape.I really enjoy it, and i konw that he too.

If there are something that i envy him, is that he is very thin,although he eats a lot.He can eat everything he want and never gets fat, even if he doesn't do any exercice.

If i could give him something i would buy him a notebook.Of course, i can't buy one, but i try to help him lending him mine. Anyway, if i won the lottery, i will give him one.

jueves, 9 de abril de 2009

something about me

My name is Kissy. I suppose that you want to know what it means. It´s an African name, that means: "she who never leaves". I come from La Serena, where my parents are living. Here I'm living alone. What else..?? well..i love cinema. When i was living in Serena, i used to go any time i could, and bought a lot of pop corn, because they´re my favourite one. I love reading too. I prefer novels about vampires and love. That's why I'm a "twilight fan". i listen to all kind of music,specially classic rock, like led zeppelin or guns&roses, but i hate "cumbia", i think it really sucks. Anyway, i prefer dancing. well..i hope we get on well.