jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

my best friend

Believe it or not, my best friend is my boyfriend, Felipe. I met him at school,in 2005. We were classmates at the Geronimo Rendic school, in La Serena. I met him when i was doing a religion job, and the teacher included him at my group. He liked me inmediatly.I remember that we were doing a expocition about "what we want to be at future", and he makes me laugh a lot with his answers. Since there, we started to be friends, and one year later, we started to dating.We're still together.

I have a lot of good memories about him, but i guess my dearest memory it's our first kiss. I will never forget it.

I love everything about him, specially his feelings. I know that he is a really good person, honest, loyal, responsible, persevering, sensitive. A person who will help you if you need.

I only hate one thing about him: he is a little negative. when something bad happens, he always get angry or sad, and doesn't try to solve his problems. Anyway i always help him to do it.

Like we do everything together, we traveled with my parents to the south (Chile). I think it was our great adventure. We visited a lot of beautifull places and spend time walking arround the nature landscape.I really enjoy it, and i konw that he too.

If there are something that i envy him, is that he is very thin,although he eats a lot.He can eat everything he want and never gets fat, even if he doesn't do any exercice.

If i could give him something i would buy him a notebook.Of course, i can't buy one, but i try to help him lending him mine. Anyway, if i won the lottery, i will give him one.

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