jueves, 9 de abril de 2009

something about me

My name is Kissy. I suppose that you want to know what it means. It´s an African name, that means: "she who never leaves". I come from La Serena, where my parents are living. Here I'm living alone. What else..?? well..i love cinema. When i was living in Serena, i used to go any time i could, and bought a lot of pop corn, because they´re my favourite one. I love reading too. I prefer novels about vampires and love. That's why I'm a "twilight fan". i listen to all kind of music,specially classic rock, like led zeppelin or guns&roses, but i hate "cumbia", i think it really sucks. Anyway, i prefer dancing. well..i hope we get on well.

2 comentarios:

  1. Kissy! so you like cinema? It's that an message for somebody to invite you? jajaja, and a twilight fan, I would like to read it, cuz' I don't want to see the movie before a read the books.
    I didn't remember that you come from La Serena, I go there on holidays every year. and get bored because I don't have anybody to hang out... but now I'm going to call you ! :)

  2. of course i hope to be there on holidays too. well, if i were you, i would read the book first, i love the movie, but the books are always better.
