lunes, 6 de julio de 2009

blogging experience

The blog experience was really  fun, it's a new way to improve our english through a web site, that makes this activity educational but funny.

In my opinion, this activity it was so useful to improve my english, because I have to practice my wording skills, and make sentences in a coherent way. I have learnd a lot of new vocabulary, and some gramatical rules that are so useful to practice my english habilities in all ways.

About my opinion, I think this activity it's really important and useful for us, in the process of learning english. Maybe we can do more oral practices, because I think it's really importante too.

jueves, 25 de junio de 2009

My ideal job

I would like to job for an international organization, as the ONU.I think it would be so interesting and exciting to work in other country representing mine. Meeting new people, helping differents kind of cultures and society,working to solve global problems..,all that I want to do at future.To work in the ONU, it is necessary to be diplomatic, to be conscious and sensitive about social problems,and to have leadership qualities. Another skills are related to the intellectual area, as speaking in other languagues and knowing about economics, history, science, manegment, politics and public administration. I'm not sure that if I would be good at this job, becouse I know, I don't have all the necessary skills. But it's something that I really want, and when I commit myself to do something, I always succeed. To work in the ONU it's so difficult, and not everyone can do it. There are differents areas where you can develop yourself as a professional, and the most important request it's to have a high prefessional level.

jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

My favorite subject

My favorite subject at the University is "Elementos del Derecho". This subject is taught by the lawyer Sonia Doren, who at present works in the comptroller office too. I love that subject, because I think it is very interesting and usefull to the "real world". Law can be used in all human life areas, and it helps us to organize the society, and the relations between their members.Well, I have learnt a lot of things, such as what a law is, what it is used for, what a regulation is, which regulations exist in our law.I have learnt about people rights too, such as the name, the nationality, the addres,the patrimony, and others. Now, we are studiying the criminal law, and I still think that it is the funniest and the most interesting subjects in my career.

domingo, 14 de junio de 2009

Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?

First, I'm gonna speak about the video. Ken Robinson talk about creativity and education. He said that education is important for everyone. "Education leads to a future that we can not understand", we are being educated for a future that we don't know. About creativity, he said that it's as important in education as literacy. Kids are very creative, their are not fair to being wrong. He don´t said that to being wrong it's the same thing that to being creative. By the time, when children become adults, most kids have lost that capacity. National education sistems educate people away of their creative skills. Robinson said that education sistems are based on the idea of academic ability. He thinks that we should rethink the fundamental principles of education. I agree with Ken Robinson. I think that education sistems should value all kind of skills, not only the academic one.Children should be educated in their entirety so that they can face the uncertain future.

jueves, 11 de junio de 2009

The best in your area

I chose Claus von Stauffenberg, because I think he is one of the most brave and admirable man in the history. For the people who don't know him, he was a German army officer and one of the leading members of the failed 20 july plot of 1944 to kill dictator Adolf Hitler. Undoubtedly, von Stauffenberg is a man who change the history of his country, he challenged to Hitler and all his power, and proved that not all Germany was agree with nazis and their dictator. He had so many qualities, he was brave, strong, intelligent, honorable and an idealist man that always fighted for freedom and justice. I admire him, because obviusly reasons. He challenged one of the most powerfull man in the history of the world. He knew that he could fail, so he was going to die, but he never surrender.

jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

My future

I always think about the future. In five years more, I'm gonna finish my career and look for a job.I'm gonna work for the goverment, maybe at the Congress. I will save money and I will pay the apartment that my parents bought to me, and do a postgraduate course of international relations in other country. Then, I hope to travel to New York and work for the United Nations. Personally, I will get married with my boyfriend, and we're going to live together. He is gonna travel with me to New York, where were gonna live a few years. I hope to return to Chile. I want to help my parents in all that I can, and to have a family in my country.Anyway, who knows if this happens or not?

jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009

My career

Public Administrations it's a career aim to public service. It constists in the preparation of students to lead people to getting the state objetives. A public administrator works in public institutions or private companies with a social character. Well, I chose this career, because I disagree with how politics and justice are managed. I think that the state and the justice should be stronger about delinquency and other social problems, and I want to work in the public apparatus to do something about it. I love this career, specially its multidisciplinary character, because I can learn about a lot of things, including law, institutions history, english (language), etc. The only that I hate about it, it's to have to study maths. I really hate it, i don't know to do anything!. For the future, i just hope to finish this career and to be a good professional. I really hope to make a change in the way politics are done.

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009

My fauvorite photograph

My fauvorite one, is a picture about my and all my cousins.To taked it, was and idea of my little cousin, Tamara, for a grandmother's present. We accept, of course, and arrenged and appoinment to take it. It was very funny, becouse we should dress in an old-fashioned way, with long dresses, big hats and beautifull umbrellas. We looked so stranged an stupid! Specially my brother, that can not be still, so he always ruined the picture. We should taked it many time becouse of him. Anyway, my grandmother simply love it when she saw it. She laughed a lot.Now, the picture is hanged up in the living room of my grandmother's house, and when i go to see her, i always look it at and smile.

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

my most precious posessions

I should speak about my parents or my boyfriend but they are not MY posessions, so I'm gonna write about something material. My preffer possession is my macbook. My father gave it to me like a graduation's present, and I really love it. At first, it didn't like me, becouse I didn't know how to use it, I used to use window system, so to learn to use my macbook was a little complicated.But when I finally did it, I thought that it was the best present that someone given to me. I use it everyday, everytime, it's so quickly and efficient, that it never breaks down.

jueves, 30 de abril de 2009

My last vacation

Last summer I didn't travel anywhere, because we (my parents and me) were preparing my transfer to Santiago. So we stayed in La Serena. But in summer 2006, my parents, my boyfriend and me, traveled to the south of Chile, specifically to a park named Conguillio.Congullio is ubicated in the IX region of the Araucanía, and is a natural park where you can stay in a cottage, camping, trekking, swimming in the river or simple enjoy the view. We stayed about 3 days in the park,and went trekking, swimming, fishing and even sail. I will always rememeber the trekking, it was really exhausting!. We just started to walking up the hill, because the forest ranger spoke about a geyser that you could see when you were at the top. But there were 10 kilometres to there! We walked all morning and never saw the top! well... "I" never saw the top, because in the middle of the ride, i sit to have a rest, and I never tried to walk again. Anywhay, my parents and my boyfriend arrived at the peak of the hill, but they never saw the geysers. So ironic! About the weather.., it was so hot! We are not used to the hot weather, so it was so disgusting

jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

my best friend

Believe it or not, my best friend is my boyfriend, Felipe. I met him at school,in 2005. We were classmates at the Geronimo Rendic school, in La Serena. I met him when i was doing a religion job, and the teacher included him at my group. He liked me inmediatly.I remember that we were doing a expocition about "what we want to be at future", and he makes me laugh a lot with his answers. Since there, we started to be friends, and one year later, we started to dating.We're still together.

I have a lot of good memories about him, but i guess my dearest memory it's our first kiss. I will never forget it.

I love everything about him, specially his feelings. I know that he is a really good person, honest, loyal, responsible, persevering, sensitive. A person who will help you if you need.

I only hate one thing about him: he is a little negative. when something bad happens, he always get angry or sad, and doesn't try to solve his problems. Anyway i always help him to do it.

Like we do everything together, we traveled with my parents to the south (Chile). I think it was our great adventure. We visited a lot of beautifull places and spend time walking arround the nature landscape.I really enjoy it, and i konw that he too.

If there are something that i envy him, is that he is very thin,although he eats a lot.He can eat everything he want and never gets fat, even if he doesn't do any exercice.

If i could give him something i would buy him a notebook.Of course, i can't buy one, but i try to help him lending him mine. Anyway, if i won the lottery, i will give him one.

jueves, 9 de abril de 2009

something about me

My name is Kissy. I suppose that you want to know what it means. It´s an African name, that means: "she who never leaves". I come from La Serena, where my parents are living. Here I'm living alone. What else..?? well..i love cinema. When i was living in Serena, i used to go any time i could, and bought a lot of pop corn, because they´re my favourite one. I love reading too. I prefer novels about vampires and love. That's why I'm a "twilight fan". i listen to all kind of music,specially classic rock, like led zeppelin or guns&roses, but i hate "cumbia", i think it really sucks. Anyway, i prefer dancing. well..i hope we get on well.